Monday, February 23, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Well hello everyone! New transfer, and I am stoked. I have a new companion from Idaho. He has about 16 months in the mission, and is known for being a hard worker. I am way excited to get down to work with him. Though...he is a BYU fan, and you all know what that means to me. haha. As for my other companion, Elder Aldridge, he is on his way to Alaska. Jumping from over 100 degrees here, to far below zero there. I do not envy that of him. As far as the packages that you sent for the Christmas season...I have kind of lost hope that I will receive them. I do not have them as of yet.This week was fun, and eventful. We ate pigs head for lunch on Sunday, and that was alright. There was a lot of fat surprisingly. I really thought it would be hard to have meat, let alone fat...but it was there. Yummy! Then, me and the Hermana Zwanger had an ice cream eating contest. It was awesome, we were egging each other on and taunting each other. I have a video, and I will try to send it to you at some point. We will have to see. As for some of the work, A man named Ángel is getting into the church swing. Kind of funny because his wife told us that he would never listen to us, and now he is asking questions, and has been to church like 5 or 6 times. But, there is a catch. He is not married to her. This is a common situation here, and we are always working with people who are living together. And they always seem to doubt, but we all know that it is a blessing for them, so we keep pushing for it. Something that has really been pushing me in the work lately, and been helping me to be more successful, and to not fear talking to people, is a simple phrase, ¨Its just the truth¨. We are just offering people the truth. So, we have been walking through stores, and stopping people in the street, and we have been finding many more people that are interested. Also, when we teach people, we do not teach them lessons and principles...we just explain them the truth. A lot of times you will find it easier to try to pad tough principles. But as we learn from so many examples in the scriptures, and modern day prophets- the spirit testifies of truth. And if you have the spirit with you, the spirit will do the testifying. Its not the missionaries doing the work-we just have to keep ourselves in shape so that the spirit can be with us. I am loving the mission right now, and I am amazed how fast time is blowing by. I remember it just like yesterday when I thought it was crazy I was six months in. Now I am closing in on 8 months...a third of my mission is done. It goes so fast. Really does. Thank you so much for all the support and the love.
Your in my prayers,
Elder Andersen

Hello Everyone!

Well hello everyone! New transfer, and I am stoked. I have a new companion from Idaho. He has about 16 months in the mission, and is known for being a hard worker. I am way excited to get down to work with him. Though...he is a BYU fan, and you all know what that means to me. haha. As for my other companion, Elder Aldridge, he is on his way to Alaska. Jumping from over 100 degrees here, to far below zero there. I do not envy that of him. As far as the packages that you sent for the Christmas season...I have kind of lost hope that I will receive them. I do not have them as of yet.This week was fun, and eventful. We ate pigs head for lunch on Sunday, and that was alright. There was a lot of fat surprisingly. I really thought it would be hard to have meat, let alone fat...but it was there. Yummy! Then, me and the Hermana Zwanger had an ice cream eating contest. It was awesome, we were egging each other on and taunting each other. I have a video, and I will try to send it to you at some point. We will have to see. As for some of the work, A man named Ángel is getting into the church swing. Kind of funny because his wife told us that he would never listen to us, and now he is asking questions, and has been to church like 5 or 6 times. But, there is a catch. He is not married to her. This is a common situation here, and we are always working with people who are living together. And they always seem to doubt, but we all know that it is a blessing for them, so we keep pushing for it. Something that has really been pushing me in the work lately, and been helping me to be more successful, and to not fear talking to people, is a simple phrase, ¨Its just the truth¨. We are just offering people the truth. So, we have been walking through stores, and stopping people in the street, and we have been finding many more people that are interested. Also, when we teach people, we do not teach them lessons and principles...we just explain them the truth. A lot of times you will find it easier to try to pad tough principles. But as we learn from so many examples in the scriptures, and modern day prophets- the spirit testifies of truth. And if you have the spirit with you, the spirit will do the testifying. Its not the missionaries doing the work-we just have to keep ourselves in shape so that the spirit can be with us. I am loving the mission right now, and I am amazed how fast time is blowing by. I remember it just like yesterday when I thought it was crazy I was six months in. Now I am closing in on 8 months...a third of my mission is done. It goes so fast. Really does. Thank you so much for all the support and the love.
Your in my prayers,
Elder Andersen

Monday, February 2, 2009

Up's and Down's

Well, my time with Elder Aldridge could be one of the most growing times in my life. I get upset at him inside, but I look at it from an outside perspective and I love him for it.He is very convinced that I will be given a lot more responsibility next transfer( in 3 weeks). With him being so convinced, he has decided to take the responsibility upon himself to prepare me for that ¨Responsibility¨. Yeah, one might ask what that means... So, although he has a year and a half more time in the mission than I do, he feels that it is time for me to do things. He makes me plan for daily things(I know it sounds simple, but when you have a list of twenty people that you are trying to bring salvation to, and some are progressing better than others, and they live all over the place, you have to decide who you are going to see that day, whether you are trying to get someone to progress, or someone to continue, and to be effective with your time, and to be making the right decision...I can´t lie, its a little overwhelming sometimes). He will sit back and make me teach people, talk to people, and organize everything. If I have a question on how to do things, he simply advises me to go to the one who knows everything, that is pray.The bishop of the ward calls us to ask us some questions about how to do things in the ward, and my companion just passes me the phone, and has me explain it. It is so crazy.. It is so strange that me, Brett Andersen, 19 years old am asked some of the things I am people here treat the Missionaries so different. I mean, its so interesting that I just jump out of young men's, and a year in a college ward, and now the Bishopric is asking how things need to be run in a ward. All we missionaries know is what we have seen. There are some missionaries in the mission that are missionaries, but also the Branch President(So they really are in charge of it all). I often kneel down at nights, and just pray for help. I am only 19and so much is expected of me, by the ward, the members, investigators, and my Savior. If I can tell you one thing I have learned so well in these past three weeks, is my true reliance upon my Father in Heaven. I have been so humbled having no idea what to do, or how to do it. Elder Aldridge will teach lessons, but then he will let me loose to teach the next thing. The reliance on the spirit in this time is incredible. I mean, if you know who I am, I always have something to say. ALWAYS! But I have had so many times this week, where I just have nothing, and I just look at Elder Aldridge, and he just smiles and winks at me. Then, I follow the scriptures advice-Open your mouth, and it shall be filled-I have witnessed that more than a few times. I think I had started to be a little too confident in myself, and so I was put to a humbling. Also, you can see the work of the adversary every day in our work. You watch what he tries to do to tear down your confidence, or work on our investigators. It seems like every single time there is a baptism, the week before, especially the day before and the day of, there are problems everywhere, doing whatever can happen. I can´t even explain all that happened this week as we approached the baptism of Miguel. It was crazy. This week we went to town talking to everyone. We started just sitting next to people on their front porch, and start talking to them. I just want you to imagine just some random two guys in shirts and ties coming up to your front porch and sitting down next to you and start talking to you. Surprising to me at first, we found a lot of good people.Then we went to a members house because she was making dinner for us, but wasn't quite done. We didn't have a whole lot of time, but we just went and got to know her neighbors. We didn't really talk to much about the gospel with them, but we planted some seeds. They now see us MORMONS as normal people and not as crazies.We found this wonderful lady and her daughter this week, and they honestly didn't have much interest the first time we visited with them. But the second time was awesome.They had a lot of questions about doctrine, and they were so impressed with the fact that the Book of Mormon answers so many questions. The spirit was really strong in that lesson, and you could tell they felt something different. This week has definitely been a roller coaster week. With ups and downs, including some of the Highest highs, and lowest lows. The mission is a crazy thing, and definitely a time where you learn about yourself. I really am grateful for this opportunity I have to serve my mission. Thank you all for your support, your emails, and your prayers.Until Next week,Elder Andersen
Chase Andersen

Hey Everybody!

Hey everybody! I is doing GREAT!I am now all good and ready to walk. I have a good four inch memory of Argentina that will always be with me. I are all very jealous, but what can I say. My mission is unique to me...hahah. No, we managed to get out and get a little bit of work done this week, and do some divisions with some other Elders. Dahl, and McFall. True KAPOS! We actually had a very good week even though our work time was limited due to doctors orders...Well, we worked a little anyways. And now Miguel is going to get baptized this Saturday. We have been working with his family,and his Older Sister and Brother got baptized about a month ago, and now he wants to go for it. We are very excited for him, and are glad that he has the support of his mother and siblings. We are working with the Mother and the Father. She is a member, and was inactive, but the missionaries before helped to reactivate her, and now we are working on completing the whole family. :) Then we found another guy this week, and his name is Ricardo, and after his first time in church on Sunday, he has a baptismal date for the 21st of February. That will be the last Saturday of the transfer. What a way for Elder Aldridge to finish his mission, no? His last day in his last area, he is going to Baptize a way awesome guy! I am way happy for Ricardo, he was definitely ready. There is a little downside to this area, we don't have a whole lot of help from the members with investigators. But we are trying to improve that, and we will see what we can do to get some members excited about missionary work. Don't get me wrong, the members are great! I love them, and I am excited to have more time in this area. I am glad I am finally going to have a full week in the area. Thank you for all of your prayers on my behalf, and all of the emails of support that I have received. I love you all and am grateful to you.