Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 25, 2009

A few more pictures. It snowed here for the first time in 40 years. hahaha. They were all in shock. It was way fun thought. We have been without heat in our house for the last week-really cold sleeping, and FREEZING COLD SHOWERS. But it was way fun. We actually got in a snowball fight with our investigators. Way fun.
1.Our snow man
2. Our Hamburgers we made last Sunday-GREAT!
3. Hilton and the Snow
4. Its us Office Crazies

¨Lo haré siempre, y cada vez mejor!¨
This week could have hit the ultimate highlight. It was truly incredible. I believe I have told you all about Jeronimo Barreiro. As of three weeks ago, we told him to go ahead and start reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning. He is now almost finished with the book of Alma, and understanding so well everything. We come to teach him, and he will tell US scriptures that go along with the doctrine that we are teaching. Last Sunday really was incredible. There were miracles all over the place. We got up in the morning and went over our plans for the day and what we were going to do, and we then went to church. Everyone in the Barreiro Family made it to church.(Before, the parents were just a little doubtful to try going), and I was just thanking my Heavenly Father non stop in my heart for helping them to arrive at church on Sunday. We had a very good sacrament meeting, and they loved it! But if that was not fulfilling enough, Jeronimo gave me somethings. First, he gave me a little plane. He had spent time this week making this airplane out of wood by hand. He had carved, decorated, and put an Argentine Flag and an American Flag on it. So awesome, I reallly had no idea what to say. He then proceeded to give me a note. I will translate what it says-mind you he told me not to read it until we had gotten home.
¨Dear Elder Andersen,
Thank you so much for everything. For bringing the gospel into my family. I have returned to believe in God, and I feel in my heart that this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I now pray every night, and I feel so much more of God´s presence. I want to get baptized so i can be able to return to the Presence of God after this life. This airplane represents what you have done for me, to help me be able to fly high and return to God. It is humble, not bought, but I hope you like it.
Thank you so much, Jeronimo Barreiro¨ It truly was so incredible, I am not sure if the words are doing it justice. But we have just been so thankful for the blessings of our Heavenly Father, and for what Jeronimo has been able to touch us. He understands so well, we were there with another Elder doing his interview, and the Elder told him- ¨You will be a great example to your family¨ Jeronimo then replied ¨Yeah, I guess kind of like Nephi. Though, I obviously dont want my siblings to end up like Laman and Lemuel.¨ We have been working with their family, and we had an amazing lesson on the Word of Wisdom this week. The parents, Gabriel and Laura are now putting into work the atonement into their lives, as now they have desires to truly stop smoking and drinking. It truly has been one of the best weeks of my entire mission. Jeronimo told us he would like to be baptized this weekend, so we are in the works planning that for this sunday, or tomorrow that is. There really isnt much else I can say this week. Simply Incredible. I love this gospel, and love this opportunity I have to be a part of this work of our Savior. I know this gospel is the gospel of Jesus Christ, that he is Our Redeemer, and that through him we truly can find Peace and Happiness in this life. I know that God loves us, and that he is Our Father. He wants to bless us always, and when we do our part, he WILL bless us, and will give us the blessings that we desire and deserve-lifting from us the burdens that we are unable to bear. Thank you so much for your support. Elder Andersen
¨Lo haré siempre, y cada vez mejor!¨

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 18, 2009 Pictures Galore

I thought you might want to know what it looks like here in Downtown Bahía Blanca, where I work in the office. I am going to try to send a video of the office, but I think it might be to big...I will give a shot though. Well, Here are a lot of pictures.
1. This is Bahía Blanca in the mornings as we are coming from our house into town.
2. Bahía Hotel, I stayed here my first night, and it is pretty close to my office, all of the new kids stay here.
3. Bambú. I eat here with President a lot because he likes it. IT is a buffet with a TON of way good food. But, SOOOO not good to eat as often as we do. hahaha
4.Banco Galicia. THis is the bank I go to a few times a week, working with the money of the mission. I am very familiar with this bank.
5. This picture is taken right outside of our office downstairs. This is just a traffic stop-nothing too strange about it.
6. My office is on this street ¨Las Heras¨. And if you look behind, its just a lot of stores.
7. A lot of mopeds are driven here. Not so many people have cars, but a LOT of people have mopeds.
8. Another corner in Downtown-just to help you get a feel of the city
9. I see this street every day coming to the office-just downtown streets in the morning.
10. So, this is a sickly dog... we see dogs EVERYWHERE. THey just run around stray-and sometimes pretty messed up.
11. Last, but certainly not least, the OFFICE!!!!! I am on the second floor on the corner, on the left side. I can see my window and my little heating vent. This is where I have been for the last 4 months, and will be for at least the next 2. Welcome to the office. I thought you all would like to get a little feel of the life here in Argentina in the City! Here you go...
¨Lo haré siempre, y cada vez mejor!¨

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Short Report

My father just had to tell me that it goes even faster that the first. I can barely believe I have been gone for a year. So incredible what can happen in that much time, and how wicked fast it goes. UGH! I can hardly believe it. I still feel like a newbie here, but now everyone is looking at me like I am one of the old guys. I cant believe it. This is absolutely nuts!

Anyways, we are working with two families. The family Barreiro, and the family Tuli. Great families, and they are both progressing. Its been almost like the dream of missionaries, to sit down at their kitchen table, and all seven of them sit around the table, and just listen, read scriptures, and ask questions. Its been incredible. We taught the plan of Salvation this week to them, and they just ate it up. They loved it, and had a bunch of questions, and wanted to learn more. It was a wonderful lesson. Then we made some rice krispie treats for them, and they absolutely loved those too. We have been having a lot of fun this past week, and been really busy too. Sorry this is so short, I really don't feel like there is a lot new to report. So, until next week, take care!
¨Lo haré siempre, y cada vez mejor!¨

Transfer Week

Things are going well here. I am alive, and kicking. This was probably the craziest week of my mission. Anything that could have gone wrong this week, did. President´s flight got canceled and delayed three different times, the light went out, the water went out, his daughters missed their flight, the clutch on the van broke, and Presidents van´s battery died and needed to be fixed, the newbies didn't have anywhere to stay, a lot of elders getting sick, needing to take care of rent for everywhere in the mission. the guy in Buenos Aires that makes sure we have money has been sick since LAST Thursday, so we didn't have any money to pay for anything, and so many other things that just went crazy this week. Those are just a few examples. It was insane, and it was way hard to say goodbye to President Spitale. My companion and I were one of 6 Elders that got to be at the Airport to see he and his family off. It was tough, not going to lie. There were lagrimas in my eyes. I am going to miss them. But yeah, then all of the greenies that got here-they are definitely a SPECIAL group of newbies...enough said of that. We got to see our area for an hour yesterday, and that was the first time that we were able to leave the office all week long. It has been absolutely crazy. I guess I am just whining-but 6AM to 1AM straight for a week really kicks your butt. I was really tired. But now its PDAY! WOOT WOOT! We are going to play some Basketball, and go to lunch with some recent converts of my new companion.Oh, and the new mission President´s name is President Detlefsen. He is from Cordoba, Argentina. LEGIT! He is a way cool guy, and knows SO much about the scriptures. Very intelligent. I am stoked to work with him.I have AT LEAST two more transfers(or three more months) in the office, basically training the Mission President on how the money of the mission works, and what he has to pay for, and what exactly i do. whew...Crazy stuff. Well, here we go with another week. we are not sure if we even have church this week. Everybody is cancelling church for the flu-definitely puts a damper on missionary work. But, whatcha gonna do.I love you guys, and I hope everything is going absolutely amazing for you!I attached a photo of President and his wife. Their last name again is DETLEFSEN. Hope you all have an absolutely amazing 4th of July.Love,Elder Andy
¨Lo haré siempre, y cada vez mejor!¨